FastLabel is the Fastway Electronic Labelling System. This API allows you to interact with it programatically. The system is made up of a few objects:
Also, there is the concept of:
Your Fastway API key is only associated with an Account. As such, you will need to call the List Users method and choose a user for any User-specific calls, or calls that require a UserID. If you do not do this, then if your account only has a single user then that user will be used by default, otherwise an error will be thrown.
Action Name | Description | Invocation URL |
Add Consignment | Adds a consignment to the specified manifest. This call may return an error if you supply unknown address information and the manifest's AutoImport flag is false. | /v5/fastlabel/addconsignment |
Add Manifest | Add a new manifest to the list of open manifests. Note: In most cases you should be using Get Open Manifest instead, unless Get Open Manifest isnt returning any open manifests or you need a manifest for a specific MultiBusiness. | /v5/fastlabel/addmanifest |
Add New Contact | Adds a contact to the list of customer contacts. | /v5/fastlabel/addcontact |
Close Manifest | Close an existing manifest and generate a runsheet. Closing a manifest is a important procedural action. | /v5/fastlabel/closemanifest |
Generate Fastway Label | Generate a PDF with Fastway labels. | /v5/fastlabel/generatefastwaylabel |
Get Contact Details | Gets the details for a contact based on their AccountNo (ie, your reference number) | /v5/fastlabel/contactdetail |
Get Open Manifest | Gets the first open manifest available. If there are no open manifests available, it creates one and returns it. | /v5/fastlabel/getopenmanifest |
Get stock level | List current label stock of customer associated with this key. | /v5/fastlabel/getstocklevel |
Get Wallet Balance | Get the current wallet balance for a specified API key | /v5/fastlabel/getwalletbalance |
gettestlabelpdf | /v5/fastlabel/gettestlabelpdf | |
List Closed Manifests | Lists the manifests closed in the last NumDays days | /v5/fastlabel/list-closed-manifests |
List Consignments | Lists all consignments in the specified manifest, or that have the specified Consignment ID, and return all consignment details (including consignment items) | /v5/fastlabel/listconsignments |
List Consignments From ConsignmentId | Lists all your consignments consignments that have a consignmentId >= the id supplied | /v5/fastlabel/list-consignments-from-consignmentid |
List Contacts | List all the customers contacts. | /v5/fastlabel/listcontacts |
List Cost Centers | List all your cost centers | /v5/fastlabel/listcostcenters |
List Custom Parcel Types | List all the customers custom parcel types. | /v5/fastlabel/listcustomparceltypes |
List Manifests | Get all manifests of the specified type under the (optional) specified MultiBusiness, or get a manifest with a specific ID. | /v5/fastlabel/listmanifests |
List MultiBusiness Businesses | Lists all the MultiBusiness businesses you have set up | /v5/fastlabel/listmultibusiness |
List Open Manifests | Lists all the open manifests, with their consignments and consignment items. | /v5/fastlabel/list-open-manifests |
List Users | List all the User accounts associated with the Main account. Note: You need to ask your Local RF if you want to add/remove users. | /v5/fastlabel/listusers |
Mark Consignment Printed | Marks a consignment identified by the specified ConsignmentID as printed in the Fastway system. | /v5/fastlabel/markconsignmentprinted |
Mark Label as not printed | Marks a label number as not printed in the Fastway system. | /v5/fastlabel/marklabelnotprinted |
Mark manifest complete | Marks a manifest import complete after it has been marked as AutoImport | /v5/fastlabel/markmanifestcomplete |
Modify Existing Contact | Modify the details of an existing contact (as identified by your unique identifier (whatever you set for AccountNo)). | /v5/fastlabel/modifycontact |
Remove Consignment | Removes a consignment and all its items. Note: you can only remove unprinted consignments. | /v5/fastlabel/removeconsignment |
Remove Consignment Item | Removes an (unprinted) consignment item and returns any labels to the pool. | /v5/fastlabel/removeconsignmentitem |
Remove Contact | Removes a contact from your list of contacts, based on the unique identifier you set (AccountNo from addcontact) | /v5/fastlabel/removecontact |
Remove Manifest | Removes a manifest and all the consignments in it. Note: You can only do this on open manifests, and only unprinted consignments will be removed. The labels will be returned to your stock. | /v5/fastlabel/removemanifest |